- 手动折叠
- 按语法折叠
- 按缩进折叠
//手动折叠。先按下zf,然后按下范围选择符号。 zf 手动折叠。比如zf iB zf/string 折叠到指定string zf[N]j 向下折叠N行 zf[N]k 向上折叠N行 zc 单个折叠当前域 zo 展开当前域折叠 zC 对光标所在范围内的所有嵌套的折叠点进行折叠 zO 对光标所在所在范围内所有嵌套的折叠点展开 zM 折叠文件中的所有代码 zR 取消文件中所有代码的折叠 zj 向下移动。到达下一个折叠的开始处。关闭的折叠也被计入。 zk 向上移动到前一折叠的结束处。关闭的折叠也被计入 zi 切换折叠与不折叠 //fold by indent set foldmethod=indent //fold mannually set foldmethod=manual //fold by syntax set foldmethod=syntax
zc, zC和zM的区别
27 func (s *SmartContract) InitLedger(ctx contractapi.TransactionContextInterface) error { 28 assets := []Asset{ 29 {ID: "asset1", Color: "blue", Size: 5, Owner: "Tomoko", AppraisedValue: 300}, 30 {ID: "asset2", Color: "red", Size: 5, Owner: "Brad", AppraisedValue: 400}, 31 {ID: "asset3", Color: "green", Size: 10, Owner: "Jin Soo", AppraisedValue: 500}, 32 {ID: "asset4", Color: "yellow", Size: 10, Owner: "Max", AppraisedValue: 600}, 33 {ID: "asset5", Color: "black", Size: 15, Owner: "Adriana", AppraisedValue: 700}, 34 {ID: "asset6", Color: "white", Size: 15, Owner: "Michel", AppraisedValue: 800}, 35 } 36 37 for _, asset := range assets { 38 assetJSON, err := json.Marshal(asset) 39 if err != nil { 40 return err 41 } 42 43 err = ctx.GetStub().PutState(asset.ID, assetJSON) 44 if err != nil { 45 return fmt.Errorf("failed to put to world state. %v", err) 46 } 47 } 48 49 return nil 50 }
27 func (s *SmartContract) InitLedger(ctx contractapi.TransactionContextInterface) error { 28 assets := []Asset{ 29 {ID: "asset1", Color: "blue", Size: 5, Owner: "Tomoko", AppraisedValue: 300}, 30 {ID: "asset2", Color: "red", Size: 5, Owner: "Brad", AppraisedValue: 400}, 31 {ID: "asset3", Color: "green", Size: 10, Owner: "Jin Soo", AppraisedValue: 500}, 32 {ID: "asset4", Color: "yellow", Size: 10, Owner: "Max", AppraisedValue: 600}, 33 {ID: "asset5", Color: "black", Size: 15, Owner: "Adriana", AppraisedValue: 700}, 34 {ID: "asset6", Color: "white", Size: 15, Owner: "Michel", AppraisedValue: 800}, 35 } 36 37 for _, asset := range assets { 38 +--- 9 lines: assetJSON, err := json.Marshal(asset)------------------------- 47 } 48 49 return nil 50 }
27 func (s *SmartContract) InitLedger(ctx contractapi.TransactionContextInterface) error { 28 +-- 22 lines: assets := []Asset{-------------------------------------------- 50 }
27 func (s *SmartContract) InitLedger(ctx contractapi.TransactionContextInterface) error { 28 +-- 22 lines: assets := []Asset{---------------------------------------- 51 52 53 func (s *SmartContract) CreateAsset(ctx contractapi.TransactionContextInterface, id string, color string, size int, owner string, appraisedValue int) erro r { 54 +-- 21 lines: exists, err := s.AssetExists(ctx, id)--------------------------- 75 } 76 77 78 func (s *SmartContract) ReadAsset(ctx contractapi.TransactionContextInterface, id string) (*Asset, error) { 79 +-- 15 lines: assetJSON, err := ctx.GetStub().GetState(id)------------------- 94 } 95
第二部分为符号,默认的为b, B, b标示小括号,中括号,B标示大括号。还可以由其他自定义符号,如>, [, (, }等
两个部分组合起来就是a(,或者ib, iB等:
ab //选择小括号(,包括小括号 aB //选择大括号{,包括大括号 ib //选择小括号(内部,不包括小括号 iB //选择大括号{内部,不包括大括号 a" //选择"",包括"" i" //选择""括号内部,不包括"" ]) //从当前选择到括号结束 [( //从当前选择到括号开始
zf iB
- https://vimhelp.org/motion.txt.html#ap