
Yaml语法很好懂,唯一费解点的就是这anchor, alias和merge这三了,基本格式如下:






<< : *<anchor-name>

<< : [ *<anchor-name>, *<anchor-name>, … ]



# 假设有以下定义,每个都用anchor命名
- &CENTER { x: 1, y: 2 }
- &LEFT { x: 0, y: 2 }
- &BIG { r: 10 }
- &SMALL { r: 1 }

# 下面这几个写法的效果是相同的

- # Explicit keys
  x: 1
  y: 2
  r: 10
  label: center/big

- # Merge one map
  << : *CENTER
  r: 10
  label: center/big

- # Merge multiple maps
  << : [ *CENTER, *BIG ]
  label: center/big

- # Override
  << : [ *BIG, *LEFT, *SMALL ]
  x: 1
  label: center/big


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